How-to... Checkpoints in a process
Several types of controls are available:
- Control as TaskPack
- A control task within a TaskPack
- Approval as TaskPack
Control as a special TaskPack
Control can be performed with a specialized TaskPack in a process whose purpose only controls.
In the process, we first mark the TaskPack that we want to control (ctrl). Then the next TaskPack should perform control over the previous one. It should also be marked appropriately [CTRL].
When both TaskPacks are marked (the one being controlled and the one performing the control) then they are more easily matched and tracked through execution.
The control TaskPack looks like any other TaskPack. Its input is the result of the TaskPack that is being controlled, and the tasks describe the control procedure. Regarding control attention is paid to:
Was the result delivered at all? On-time? Belatedly?
Was the requested quantity delivered?
Does the result correspond to the required level of quality?
Were there circumstances that increased the cost of achieving the results? E.g. there was a higher use of resources than planned.
+ Additional criteria
If necessary, we can add our own criteria.
The output of a control TaskPack is usually some form of control report.
This report serves as an effective and unbiased form of control, as it is performed by a third party rather than the Doers themselves. Depending on the nature of the TaskPack being controlled, the control is usually carried out by a Process Manager or a specialized expert.
Control TaskPack can slow down the overall process. Therefore, it is recommended to implement this type of control for complex and critical TaskPacks or for those that frequently experience errors.
A control task within a TaskPack
This type of control is carried out within the TaskPack itself. In the TaskPack that we control, we set one task that controls something within that same TaskPack. Usually, some previously completed tasks. In this way, the Doer, during the execution of the TaskPack, controls his own work.
The control task can be placed in three places and have three functions:
- Input control
- Output control
- Intermediate control
See more in the document: How-to... Tasks.
Approval as TaskPack
An approval is a TaskPack that is placed in the process to give some approval (or confirmation) after a certain TaskPack. It is usually used when Doer suggests e.g. discount for a customer or a large volume of some procurement, etc. but we want someone with authority to confirm that proposal and take responsibility.
In the process, we first mark the TaskPack for which we need approval (appr). Behind it, in the process, we create a TaskPack with which we approve, which we also mark separately [APPR]. When both TaskPacks are marked, it is easier to match them and follow them through execution.
The doer is informed about the outcome of the approval in the chosen, appropriate way.
Approval as a TaskPack slows down the process and should therefore only be used when necessary.