
Image description

In the left menu, click Doers (1) and then Profiler (2).

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A page listing all the Doers (and potential ones) we have added to the table will open. The table contains the following:

  • Full Name (A)
  • Employee / Candidate (B)
  • Worksites (C)
  • Supervisor (D)

We enter all this information in the edit mode, which is opened by clicking on the pencil icon (E). Before that, it is necessary to add Doer to this list.

To add a new Doer, click the Add Doer button (3).

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A dialog for adding a new Doer to the list opens.

By clicking on the User drop-down list (1), a list of all registered users appears. There, the software user is selected, who will be given the role of Doer.

When we click on the pencil icon next to the name (E), the record of Doer opens. (See the first screenshot above.)

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One Doer's record will be opened.

It contains five types of information:

  • Basic Info
  • Contact
  • Profile
  • TaskPack
  • Training