How-to... Top Manager

Top Manager

This is a major organizational and managerial role. It is the second most important role in the company. This role is responsible for the construction and updating of the organizational infrastructure. It deals with the integrated management of the entire company. 

It uses tools such: Constructors, Operators, and Neuro Calendars. The Top Manager chooses other team members, Process Managers, and Supervisors.

The following characteristics are desirable for a Top Manager:


A good Top Manager should be highly efficient.

To achieve the company's goals, the Top Manager must be very persistent and efficient. It should be consistent and precise. He must not get bored of repeating the same activities. He must have an eye for detail and a good memory. To be systematic. He should act according to pre-prepared templates and make everyone else follow them. It deals with coordination and management using precisely defined processes and TaskPacks, never verbally or arbitrarily. The Top Manager must ensure the team functioning of all Process Managers.


A good Top Manager should constantly optimize the organization.

In detail, he should know all the management tools at his disposal, the software, and the organization and management methodology. It should take an in-depth look at all the interdependencies of related activities. Observe and correct what needs to be fixed in the organization and improve it.

The fact is that a good Profit Leader cannot be a good Top Manager. And vice versa. These are opposed personality profiles desirable for one or another management role. And it is impossible to combine these opposites in one personality.  If we know and understand someone's job very well, it does not mean that we are suitable to do it well. We often overlook this.

Traction team

The two most important roles in the organizational platform are Profit Leader and Top Manager. That duo is what we call the traction team.

They represent the driving force of the company.

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