Selecting and importing TaskPacks
Dependencies as the tool for planning
The Dependencies tool assists with planning TaskPacks to be imported into Arena. It is common to inspect the Dependencies for a TaskPack in the "Today's" section, find out which TaskPacks follow it, plan them for the next day and import them.

In the Arena, in the Today's section, click on the ellipsis icon next to TaskPack (1) and then on Inspect (2).
A pane (3) with the corresponding dependencies opens on the right, with the current TaskPack highlighted. The TaskPacks that follow it in the process that are also considered for import are also displayed.
Importing TaskPacks into Arena

Click on the Import command (1).
From here, the planned TaskPacks can be selected and imported into the Arena. For easier selection, two filters are provided:
The filter in the header (1) contains the same options as in the Processor & Tasker tool; it includes two rows for filtering processes by type and group.
The additional filter is activated by clicking on the filter icon (2) on the right, allowing for filtering by Worksite, Process, and Process Manager.
The left column (3) displays the filtered TaskPacks. The suitable tasks can be dragged to the right column.
This activates the Import button (1) under the right column. Clicking on it imports all TaskPacks from the right column into the Arena. In the Arena, they are inserted into the "Arena Ready" section.
Clicking the Arena command (2) closes the import dialog and returns to the Arena.
Importing a sequence of TaskPacks
It is often convenient to import all TaskPacks of a sequence into Arena at once, even if they are executed on different days.
Note that it is necessary to add them successively to the right pane and import them to the Arena all at once. That's the only way they will act as one unit in the Arena.