Communication in the Arena

Communication in the Arena takes place within individual TaskPacks, visible in the expanded view.

Click on the ellipsis icon (1) next to TaskPack, then in the drop-down menu on Expand (2).

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A communication bar appears at the bottom. There are 2 placeholders for signals on the left and right sides. The Process Manager uses the left one (1). Doer uses the right one (2).

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Clicking on them opens a drop-down menu where they can choose the signal with which they send information to each other. The signal can be changed depending on the circumstances.

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Problem Box

The Problem Box is a place for written notes about the problem and where the Process Manager and the Doer can also communicate with each other and try to solve the problem.

Click on the triangular exclamation mark (1).

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A pane (2) for chat communication appears.

It contains a field for entering a message (3). Next to it is the arrow (4) which publishes the message in the pane.

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The messages serve as proof of the issue encountered and the solutions attempted on the spot.

When the TaskPack is collapsed, there is a small triangle indicating that the Problem Box was activated.

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