˳How-to... Plan System

Note: This tool is not currently included in the software, but as a functional replacement, a form/table template can be downloaded here:


The table is in Google Sheet format.

How to use a Google Sheet template… >

Plans and reports are managed through the Constructors' tools.

The plans in Workanizers are typical company plans. We usually use some business software to track achievement and monitor the progress of plans, such as sales plans.

With Constructor tools, we must clearly systematize them to manage them more easily. Plans are essential for us to create processes correctly.

Plans Derived from Goals

We can consider plans as designing pathways to achieve a goal.

They are created based on our business goals in the Strategers tool. Specifically, they are based on operational goals and indicators.

Routine Operational Plans

Plans do not have to be directly related to objectives, but they should not be in conflict with them. These are typically routine operational plans.

Plans are Linked to Processes

Processes should be designed to ensure that plans are achieved. Plans can be diverse, but they are always executed through the processes that we have previously designed. This implies that when creating plans, we should consider the existing process infrastructure and determine:

  • Whether the current processes are sufficient to achieve the plan,
  • Whether the current processes require modification, or
  • Whether new processes need to be created to accomplish the plans.

Establishing the Plan

At the outset, it is crucial to determine whether a plan can be accomplished within the current organizational infrastructure or whether it requires supplementation or modification. In such cases, the plan is referred to as "baseless."

Furthermore, the plan should include the following details:

  • Name: The plan should have a recognizable title that clearly conveys its purpose and the timeframe it applies to.
  • Goal: The plan should be linked to the goal it relates to. (if it is directly related to objectives).
  • Process: It should explicitly state which processes and TaskPacks it is related to.
  • Deadline: The plan must be associated with a specific timeframe in which it needs to be completed.
  • Format: It is beneficial to predefine the plan's format, such as whether it will be presented in a table and which columns and rows it should include.
  • Plan Location: The plan can be documented in various ways, and its physical or digital location must be precisely identified (e.g., as a link).
  • Stakeholders: The plan should specify who needs and has access to it.

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