˳How-to... Improvement Box - Working meetings
Note: This tool is not currently included in the software.
Review of Proposed Improvements and Addressing Improvements
The Top Manager calls a meeting with the relevant Process Managers, Supervisors, and problem proposers as participants.
- Review and assessment of proposed improvements.
- Transferring improvement proposals to the Improvement Box and start the process of implementing improvements.
- Addressing improvements for selected proposals.
Implementation Proposals of Improvements
The Top Manager calls a meeting. Participants are those who are presumed to contribute to the setting of improvement implementation proposals in addressing improvements.
- Improvement proposals.
- Selection of Implementer.
Setting up the Improvement Project
The Top Manager calls a meeting. Participants are those who, according to the improvement implementation proposal, can contribute to setting up the project.
- Project proposals.
- Setting up the improvement project.
Monitoring the Improvement Project
The Top Manager calls a meeting. Participants are the implementer of the improvement and (possibly) selected participants in the improvement project.
- The topic of these working meetings is only monitoring the improvement project.