˳ How to... Report Box

Note: This tool is not currently included in the software, but as a functional replacement, a form/table template can be downloaded here:


The table is in Google Sheet format.

How to use a Google Sheet template… >

The purpose of this module is to help ensure the timely creation and distribution of reports to team members. To achieve this, report creation should be entered into the appropriate process as a separate TaskPack, and a specific Doer should be designated as the report submitter. The Reporting TaskPack is then executed normally, coordinated, monitored, and controlled to ensure timely reporting.

Report Box Elements

Report Submitter

While it may be known in advance who will be reporting on what, the person who submits the report in accordance with the current circumstances is timely determined in the Report Box.

Distributed (date)

It should be clear when the report is made available to report users. This date may or may not coincide with the reporting deadline.

Report Location

The precise location of the report, usually a link, should be known.

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