Company Settings > Users

This instruction is intended for the Master User. Master User is the person who registered the company with the software on the Workanizers website. This content is not available to ordinary employees.

Click on Company Name (1) and then on Users (2).

Click to see a larger version

A page with a list of software users (employees) will open. Here we can add and manage our software users.

In the beginning, there are usually only 3 people on the list: Master User, Profit Leader, and Top Manager.

A user is represented by an email entered in the Users module. The user (if activated) can log into the software and use it.

Adding a new user

Click the Add User button (3).
Click to see a larger version

A form will open with a form for entering information about the new user. Only basic data is required (name, email, password).

After clicking the Save button, the new user will appear in the list on the Users page.

Password reset

When creating a user, the administrator assigns a temporary password.

After creating the user, the administrator sends a password reset link to the new user via email so that they can create their own password.

Click Send password reset email (4).

Deactivating and reactivating a user

NOTE: Active user charges

User access can be arbitrarily granted and revoked according to current needs.

The number of users alone does not affect the payment of their subscription. Only the subscription of active users is charged. For example, there can be 100 registered users but only 10 active ones. In that case, the subscription is charged only for 10 users.

The subscription for an active user is charged per day. This means if the user was active for 8 days a month, the subscription is paid only for those 8 days. Note that the user is considered active for a day the moment they're activated, regardless of how long they were active that day.

At the level of the calendar month, the average number of active users is calculated, taking into account how many days each user was active.

Click on the toggle (5).

  1. When the toggle is on (a), the user is activated.
  2. When the toggle is off (b), the user is deactivated.

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