How-to... Workbook for goals

The Workbook tool helps with an efficient approach to goal setting.

Goals are a powerful and simple tool for managing a company.

Setting goals is a process to align

  • our business intentions with
  • our opportunities in the market (customers, competition, etc.)
  • and company capabilities.

How to set goals?

When setting goals, it's important not to do so randomly or impulsively. Instead, it's recommended that goals be linked to the SWOT analysis and market triangle of the Business Model.

SWOT goals

For SWOT goals, the previous step in the Biz Modeler module's SWOT analysis helps narrow the focus for effective goal setting. Out of the four categories in the SWOT analysis, two are "positive" (internal strengths of the company and market opportunities) and two are "negative" (internal weaknesses of the company and market threats to the company). Eliminating weaknesses and addressing threats in these negative categories can inspire clear objectives.

Market triangle goals

The market triangle consists of 1. Customer segments, 2. The offer (products and services). and 3. Competition (more precisely, the competition's offer).

In that triangle, our business has a relationship with:

  • Customer segments
  • Competitive offer

Within these relationships, important goals for the company can be identified. It's possible that both relationships point toward setting the same goal, which signals that it's likely a high-priority goal. It's also common for the same goals to appear as both SWOT goals and market triangle goals, which further emphasizes their importance as priority goals.

I want to...

Setting goals can be a stressful experience for many people. Questions may arise such as: "Did I choose the right goals?" "Have I left out something important?" "Are my goals too high or too low?" or "Would my employees achieve more without goals limiting them?"

Moreover, approaching goals too formally can make the process more difficult. When we try to define goals in grandiose and formal language, it can limit our thinking and hold us back.

To make the process of goal setting more free and spontaneous, it's easier to use a simple form. We can start each goal with the words "I want to..." and finish the sentence in free form. The Workbook is a great tool for capturing all goals and selecting the most important ones, regardless of the form or spelling at this point.

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