The record of goals is kept in the Goals tool.
Click on Goals (1).
A list of goals will open, displaying their names, levels of priority, types, and planned deadlines for achievement.
Click the Add Goal button (2).
A pane will open on the right side of the screen.
Operational Objectives and Indicators
Operational objectives
In order to add Operational objectives, return to the first page of the Goals tool.
Click on the arrow in front of the goal's name (1).
The goal will expand to display Operational objectives.
Click on + Add Operational Objective (2).
A pane will open on the right side of the screen.
Enter the required content.
Click on the in front of the Operational objective's name (3).
The operational objective will expand and display its indicators.
Click on + Add Indicator (4).
A pane will open on the right side of the screen.
Enter the required content.
All the Operational objectives and Indicators will be displayed in each goal's panel.