Calendar view

The Neuro Calendar tool is based on calendar activity scheduling.

This is reflected in the calendar in distinguished 2 zones:

Zone A

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(A) Zone A (yellow) refers to the activities to be performed.

(1) Name of the activity

The calendar is supplied with pre-filled (neutral) data that help start using Neuro Calendars more quickly. Activities are divided by tools: Re-Strategizer, Re-Constructor, and Start-Ops. There is also an additional division into groups, as seen in the Re-Constructor tool. The light pink rows are Processor and Tasker, Doers, and Teamer.

(2) Frequency

This column determines how frequently a specific activity is performed. The drop-down menu contains predefined values that can be selected.

(3) Accountable

This is where it's specified who is in charge of carrying out a specific activity.


a) Add a new activity.

b) Add a new group.


a) Delete activities from the calendar.

b) Edit an activity.


a) Delete a group from the calendar.

b) Select the color of the group bar.

c) Open and modify group content.

d) Add activities directly to the group.

Zone B

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(B) Zone B (green) is the calendar for activities.

(7) Dates.

Dates are always given 12 months in advance. The calendar always starts with the current day. The past dates are not displayed.

a) The calendar can be previewed using slider 7a).

b) The calendar can be expanded to the width of the entire window by clicking on the arrow 7b)

(8) Quick identification of calendar fields. Hovering the cursor over a field (date) in the calendar reveals the content related to that date, i.e., activity, frequency, responsible person, and date. This function is especially useful when in full-width mode (7b) as zone A is not visible.

(9) Date marking.

Clicking on a specific field displays a prompt to mark that field with an (x).

(10) Date marked. When the date is marked for performing the activity, the field displays the (x) sign.(This mark can also be removed by clicking on it.)

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